Radiation-Watch.org , an open and non-profit project formed up in Japan, took an excellent approach to develop and launched very inexpensive and smart radiation detectors to the international market. The organization is supported by a variety of people, such as scientists, engineers and designers on a global basis. The organization surprisingly enough to have designed, developed manufactured, and launched the first model, Pocket Geiger Type 1 within just three month soon after the team made its decision to get the thing done. All of the team members shared their own expertise on purely good will basis using their off-times, weekends and nights in weekdays. Needless to say, scientific, technological and engineering expertise the team members hold are the first class while there were three key factors for the successful fast launch of the high quality radiation detector. Firstly, they used Kickstarter to get financial support for the project. Usin...
Metrol is a unique and leading company specialized in manufacturing ultra precision switches used for position detection and dimension discrimination, and owns international patents. Metrol's products are quite unique and structurally different from the conventional limit switches, proximity sensors, and photoelectric sensors. The company's strength is not only in its products and technologies but also in its global market coverage where Metrol's market share has reached at a 70 percent market. Achieving the rate is uneasy unless taking a variety of sales methods. Take for instance, Metrol has more than 50 sales partners, while holding a few sales offices outside of Japan. The company also effectively uses Internet technology such as Email marketing, on-line sales for a limited products, etc. Metrol is categorized as a technology based SME, but its approaches are quite dynamic while its technologies are, needless to say, supporting ...