Nova Energy, an entrepreneurial company based in Hyogo Japan, developed tidal power generation systems and started its trial testing off the coast of Awaji City in the first half of the year 2010. The key component of the system is a tuna shaped turbine "MAGURO TURBINE", of which type number NT-001 has a 6-meter-long body with a 3 meter-diameter of propeller, is designed to generate 10kw at 3 knot tide current speed. Maguro Turbine is not actually for generating electric power but to generate oil pressure power which is transformed to rotate oil turbines for electric power generation. For a country surrounded by the sea, like Japan, there could be huge potential to use the sea power of clean energy. We do hope the trial will be successfully completed together with a reasonable cost performance result.
Source: News archives on Nova Energy's web site (Japanese)
A TV program uploaded on YouTube (Japanese)
Source: News archives on Nova Energy's web site (Japanese)
A TV program uploaded on YouTube (Japanese)